Gro harlem brundtland
She is also known for having chaired the Brundtland. Uno de los primeros productos químicos que se produjo en grandes.
Brundtland Report also called Our Common Future publication released in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED that introduced the concept of sustainable development and described how it could be achieved.

. Le Rapport Brundtland est le nom communément donné à une publication officiellement intitulée Notre avenir à tous Our Common Future rédigée en 1987 par la Commission mondiale sur lenvironnement et le développement de lOrganisation des Nations unies présidée par la Norvégienne Gro Harlem BrundtlandUtilisé comme base au Sommet de la Terre de 1992 ce. Als erste Frau war sie von 1981 bis 1992 Vorsitzende der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiderpartiet Ap. Da kom statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland til Frei og skar over snora med en finslipt sølvkniv.
Aunque los productos químicos se fabricaron y utilizaron a lo largo de la historia el nacimiento de la industria química pesada producción de productos químicos en grandes cantidades para una variedad de usos coincidió con los inicios de la Revolución Industrial. In 1998 she became director. Sustainable development is development that meets the need for the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Duurzame ontwikkeling is ontwikkeling die tegemoetkomt aan de noden van het heden zonder.
Gro Harlem Brundtlandbecame chair of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development which in 1987 issued Our Common Future the report that introduced the idea of sustainable development and led to the first Earth Summit. El Informe Brundtland es un informe publicado en 1987 para las Naciones Unidas que enfrenta y contrasta la postura del desarrollo económico actual junto con el de la sustentabilidad ambientalRealizado por la Comisión Brundtland y liderado por la ex primera ministra noruega Gro Harlem Brundtland el texto tiene el propósito de analizar criticar y replantear las políticas de. Harlem Brundtland wurde als.
Gro Harlem Brundtland 20. I 1986 overtok Gro Harlem Brundtland igjen som statsminister. It developed guiding principles for sustainable development as it is generally understood today.
Il rapporto Brundtland conosciuto anche come Our Common Future è un documento pubblicato nel 1987 dalla Commissione mondiale sullambiente e lo sviluppo WCED in cui per la prima volta venne introdotto il concetto di sviluppo sostenibileIl nome venne dato dalla coordinatrice Gro Harlem Brundtland che in quellanno era presidente del WCED e aveva commissionato il. Our Common Future Chairmans Foreword A global agenda for change - this was what the World Commission on Environment and Development was asked to formulate. Fastlandsforbindelsen ble feiret på mange vis gjennom sommeren men 20.
Under Brundtland og Einar Førdes ledelse ble partiet modernisert og gjenreiste sin ledende posisjon med et meget godt valgresultat i 1985. Gro Brundtland Norwegian pronunciation. Première ministre par trois fois entre 1981 et 1996 elle a passé près de dix ans au pouvoir et dirigé lOrganisation mondiale de la santé OMS de 1998 à 2003.
Sponsored by the United Nations UN and chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland the WCED. I 1996 gikk hun av og overlot roret til Thorbjørn Jagland. Our Common Future är en rapport som skrevs av Världskommissionen för miljö och utveckling på uppdrag av Förenta nationerna 1987Denna kommission leddes av Norges dåvarande statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland varför den.
August var datoen for den offisielle åpningen. Året var 1992 og Krifast kunne endelig tas i bruk. Born Gro Harlem 20 April 1939 is a Norwegian politician Arbeiderpartiet who served three terms as the 29th prime minister of Norway 1981 198689 and 199096 and as the director-general of the World Health Organization from 1998 to 2003.
The document came to be known as the Brundtland Report after the Commissions chairwoman Gro Harlem Brundtland. Its targets were multilateralism and interdependence. Tidligere Ap-statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland husker Mikhail Gorbatsjov som et varmt og engasjert menneske.
Vår gemensamma framtid informellt Brundtlandrapporten egentligen Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Gro Harlem Brundtland née Harlem le 20 avril 1939 à Bærum est une femme dÉtat norvégienne membre du Parti travailliste AP quelle a présidé de 1981 à 1992. Een algemeen erkende definitie is te vinden in het Brundtland-rapport en wordt regelmatig gebruikt.
Hun satt som regjeringssjef i 10 år med unntak av årene 19891990. Other articles where World Commission on Environment and Development is discussed. Tusenvis av små og store fra hele Nordmøre hadde funnet veien til den store festen ved tunnelåpningen.
The Brundtland Report stated that critical global environmental problems were primarily the result of the enormous poverty of. Our Common Future also known as the Brundtland Report was published on October 1987 by the United Nations through the Oxford University PressThis publication was in recognition of Gro Harlem Brundtlands former Norwegian Prime Minister role as Chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development WCED. April 1939 in Bærum ist eine norwegische Politikerin und war dreimal Ministerpräsidentin 1981 19861989 und 19901996.
Elle a présidé à la rédaction du rapport Notre.
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